Baptism (also called Christening)
Baptism is a sign of belonging to Jesus Christ and his Church. It is a symbol to us of God’s love for us and His welcome into His family. People of any age can be baptised. Adults make the promises for themselves. Baptism is given to babies and small children on the understanding that their parents have a Christian faith of their own and intend to give their child a Christian upbringing within the family of the Church. The Church of England website has lots of helpful information for parents, god-parents and guests.
All parents and godparents will need to attend a baptism preparation course which lasts an hour. We have an informal chat together about what baptism means and what will happen on the day. Adults wishing to be baptised must attend church regularly and also attend an introductory course.
How do I arrange a Baptism?
If you’re thinking about getting baptised, or having a child baptised, we’d love to talk to you! We want to get to know you, and make sure you’ve had a chance to hear the good news of Jesus, so we ask that you begin to attend Sunday Services before committing.
I encourage you to start attending Bubble Church on the 1st Sunday of the month at 9.30am to begin with. A short service geared for all the family. Enjoy!
Please contact our Parish Administrator, Liz Sanderson.
What does Baptism involve?
for the parents and godparents;
thanking God for this gift of life
deciding to start your child on the journey of faith and asking for the Church’s support
joining the Church in expressing you belief in god and praying for your child.
for your child:
beginning a journey of faith
becoming a member of the local and worldwide Christian family
sharing in the death and resurrection of Jesus in a symbolic way.
for the church:
promising to welcome, support and pray for you and your child
being reminded of the importance of this baptism for every Christian
providing a worshipping community where everyone can grow in faith
Baptism is a sacrament – a visible sign of God’s love. We believe that God loves people of every race, creed or colour. At baptism we are thanking God for the gift of his love and turning away from evil, sin and darkness and towards Christ.
What happens next?
Baptism is a significant time for the whole family – it marks the start of an adventure which will continue for the rest of your child’s life. Parents may find that their own interest in God is reawakened at this time and we will be very happy to talk to you about this.
We hope that your baby’s baptism will be a wonderful and memorable occasion and that it will mark the beginning of a long and happy association with this church.