South Cave CE Primary School
We have strong links with our village primary school through collective worship, special services and our church members who serve as foundation governors. The christian ethos runs through all that the children are taught, the school vision being based on Matthew 5:16 “To recognise, develop and appreciate their gifts so that they may “let their light shine”.
A “worship squad” leads prayers in school assemblies, assisted by the RE teacher and the children attend the church for collective worship once in each half term.
The school had it’s latest SIAMS inspection on 7th March 2023. A glowing report was given by the inspector with an overall grade of Good. There were so many positive statements in the report but the following encapsulates all that the team are trying to achieve “The commitment of the senior leadership team and governors to enable all to ‘Let their light shine’ by providing individualised support and nurture is exemplary. For many children and their families, the love, care and education they receive has been life changing”. We are very proud of the staff, children and our governors. The full report can be read here.
Foundation Governors
Ceri Harris
Karen Clark
Rachel Robinson