Ecumenical Partnership
All Saints Parish Church, South Cave, and the South Cave Methodist Church have come together to form a Local Ecumenical Partnership to be called All Saints Church (Church of England and Methodist Partnership).
Our Declaration of Intent
We believe that together we are better able to use our resources (people, property and money) more effectively in carrying out our mission, which is:
to learn to know God in worship as Father, Son and Holy Spirit so that we may enjoy him and be strengthened to love and serve Him as our Lord.
to serve the wider community in the love of Christ.
to celebrate the truth of the Gospel and the redeeming power and presence of God in the whole of life.
to grow together in deepening fellowship of love and trust with one another and with our heavenly Father.
to grow to be more like Jesus in our knowledge and love of God.
to grow in numbers of regular worshippers.
to grow in prayerful and practical links with other Christians locally and world-wide.
to show the love of Jesus in practice as we care for one another and for others in need.
to maintain a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere for learning, worship and fellowship and where those not yet ready for commitment can be free to explore their faith.
to proclaim the good news we have, encouraging others to join us as followers of Jesus.