Mission Links

All Saints’ Church has a huge heart for mission both locally and within God’s world.

In  the past we have sponsored mission links in the Democratic Republic of Congo supporting the Church’s work focussed on education and reconciliation among young people and in Paraguay supporting the translation of the bible into the Enxet language of the people of the Chaco.

We maintain a close association with Open Doors, a Methodist Centre in Hull which supports refugees & homeless people.

Our special appeals at Lent, Harvest and Christmas have provided food and toiletries for local charities as well as supporting national and international charities such as the Samaritans, Salvation Army and Tearfund.

Important links to mission outreach include

The Childrens Society (helping vulnerable children in the UK) Liz Caley & Marion Briars.

Open Doors Hull (working with asylum seekers in Hull) Joan Selby volunteered regularly for many years, and is our link.  We support the charity financially on a monthly basis.

Christians Against Poverty tackling the causes of poverty and providing free debt help. We support the charity financially on a monthly basis.

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) a global movement of young Christians from many cultures and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. We support Caleb Roberts financially on a monthly basis. Caleb was a member of our church family in his early years. You can follow his mission through his blog.

Hunsley Christian Youth Trust providing a Christian presence in South Hunsley School, in the form of Christian Union, lunchtime activities, and one to one support for students. We provide financial support alonside other local churches.